Human Capital Development
National Standard recognises the high unemployment rate in South Africa and many African countries among our youths that perpetuates poverty and inequality. Most youths are poorly trained and lack the required practical skills to engage actively in the building of their national economies. We, therefore, subscribe to programmes that develop practical skills in the most critical areas required by industries as defined from time to time by the host Governments of countries in which we operate. Through our selected network of partners, we actively engage in raising a combination of grant and non-grant funding for investing in Human Capital development. We engage appropriate training and development service providers in delivering these training services across multiple industries in addition to designing and delivering our own inhouse training programmes within our areas of expertise. Where accreditation of training programmes is required, National Standard actively seeks to secure such accreditation and/or chooses partners who are already accredited. These activities are in line with National Standard’s impact investing objectives of improving societies through investing in Human Capital Development.