Management is known as a form of art and a science. The key is making employees more efficient and productive while finding the correct way to do it. When preparing to manage one or a group of managers, you are preparing for them to be able to manage their own employees. Every manager is a different personality type and learns differently. But with some helpful tools and tips, you can help them become great managers that will continue to grow and succeed with their new teams.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Welcome and orientate new managers
- Learn ways to successfully coach and mentor
- Learn ways to measure and evaluate performance
- How to handle complications
- Communicate between employees and their managers
Managing Personal Finances
For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik’s cube filled with anxiety. There are millions of Americans who live with the shackles of debt each day. We don’t teach children when they are young the value of a good credit score. Many people have a hard time formatting and sticking to a budget. You can easily solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work, self-control, and the right tools. Today is a new day – you are taking the first steps to reclaiming your financial freedom.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand your personal expenses
- Know the benefits of making a budget
- Set financial goals
- Develop good spending habits
- Learn how to pay off debt
- Learn how to effectively make a budget
Managing Workplace Anxiety
It is normal to have some fear or feel out of place at work sometimes, but when the anxiety begins to control you and keep you from performing your normal activities it becomes a serious problem. For many workers that suffer from some sort of workplace anxiety, their productivity decreases and they fail to contribute to the job, which can make them more anxious. While there are many forms of workplace anxiety, we can all learn to overcome them by identifying the key problem and finding a way to manage them, before they manage you.
Remember, it is perfectly normal to feel stressed at work and feel a little anxious. Although everyone will experience some form of workplace anxiety in their career, everyone portrays them differently. Learning key signs and symptoms of workplace anxiety sooner will not only help identify the problem, but will lead you down the right path to know how to manage them successfully.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Explore different types of workplace anxieties
- Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs
- Determine ways of coping and managing problems
- Recognize common trigger and accelerants
- Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness
Managing Workplace Harassment
Oh, you may say, “not in my office,” or “not our team,” but workplace harassment is an increasing issue in the organizations today. It can come in the form of a slap, a phrase, an email, or reassignment of duties. Harassment is not okay and it is illegal. Harassment needs to be reported so that the company can handle the issue properly and remediate any future problems.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define various types of discrimination and harassment.
- Identify the different types of harassment and their signs.
- Understand the employer’s responsibilities.
- Discuss how to remediate workplace harassment.
- Understand the harassment reporting processes and procedures.
- Discuss the steps that will be necessary in reporting harassment in the workplace.
Marketing Basics
Thanks to the rise of technology and social media, the world of marketing and advertising has become bigger than ever. Marketing has gone beyond the classic printed ads, billboards or even television commercials. Unfortunately, this can cause any company to become confused or even intimidated about getting their product or service out into the market. But if we can learn the right strategies with the right tools, we can break into the marketing world without fear or hesitation.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define your market.
- Know the different types of marketing and ways to use them.
- Learn effective ways of communicating with the customer.
- Know how to set marketing goals and strategies.
- Recognize common marketing mistakes and know how to avoid them.
Measuring Results From Training
Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a dollar value to training. Some topics, like sales training or time management, might have direct, tangible benefits. Other topics, like communication or leadership, might have benefits that you can’t put a dollar value on. In this course, we will learn about the different ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand Kolb’s learning styles and learning cycle
- Understand Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation
- Be familiar with many types of evaluation tools, including goal setting, tests, reactionary sheets, interviews, observations, hip-pocket assessments, skill assessments, and learning journals
- Understand when to use each type of evaluation tool
- Be able to perform a needs assessment
- Know how to write learning objectives and link them to evaluation
- Be able to write an evaluation plan to evaluate learning at each stage of the training and far beyond
- Know how to identify the costs, benefits, and return on investment of training
- Be familiar with the parts of a business case
Media and Public Relations
In this course, you will get knowledge you need to manage effectively your image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. Effective networking is essential for day-to-day business or for those times when you are actively pursuing job opportunities.
Networking and public relations is the most successful method of communicating your value to those around you. Furthermore, good networking skills enable you to tap into those relationships you already have and increase the scope of your network. This workshop is designed to give you practical teaching and hands-on tools that will get you networking once you complete this course.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Network for success
- Manage “Meet and Great” opportunities
- Dress for success
- Write effectively
- Set goals
- Manage media relations
- Plan issue and crisis communication
- Use social media
- Deliver effective employee communication
Meeting Management
You are on your first project and you have to organize and manage the project kick-off meeting. What do you do first? Do you create the agenda or the invitation list? How do you run a meeting? What preparation do you need? All of these are valid and real questions you, as the meeting manager, must address. There is no doubt about it. Meetings require skill and technique in order for the meeting to achieve its purpose. Disorganized and poorly managed meetings waste time and hurt your credibility as a meeting manager. Consistently leaving a poor impression with the attendees will haunt you if left unchecked.
This training course is designed to give you the basic tools you need to initiate and manage your meetings. You will learn planning and leading techniques that will give you the confidence to run a meeting that will engage your attendees and leave a positive and lasting impression. This is a hands-on course and your full participation will help make it a valuable experience. Use this course to begin the process of developing your meeting management skills.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Plan and Prepare for a meeting
- Identify the Participants
- Know how to choose the time and place
- Know how to create the agenda
- Know how to set up the meeting space
- Know now to incorporate your electronic options
- Understand Meeting Roles and Responsibilities
- Use an agenda
- Chair a Meeting
- Know how to deal with disruptions
- Know how to professionally deal with personality conflicts
- Know how to take minutes
- Know how to make the most of your meeting using games, activities and prizes
Middle Manager
Traditionally, middle managers make up the largest managerial layer in an organization. Middle managers are responsible to those above them and those below them. They head a variety of departments and projects. In order for a company to operate smoothly, it is essential that those in middle management be committed to the goals of the organization and they understand how to effectively execute these goals.
It is crucial for businesses to focus on these essential managers and provide them with the opportunities to succeed. No matter the organization’s structure or size, it will benefit from employing well-trained middle managers.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define management.
- Understand ethics in the workplace.
- Manage information and make decisions.
- Be familiar with the control process.
- Use organizational strategies to facilitate change.
- Create structures and processes to manage teams.
- Manage as a leader.
Millennial Onboarding
More than ever, millennials – those born between 1980 and 1995 – are entering the workforce and becoming a vital part of our organizations. These workers bring a unique outlook on life to their jobs, and may also pose unique challenges. Taking time to customize the onboarding process for millennial employees helps promote employee retention and ensures that millennials are properly socialized into the workplace. Customizing the onboarding process for millennial employees benefits both the employee and the workplace.
At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- Define onboarding
- Discuss the characteristics of Millennials
- Create an onboarding process for Millennials
- Develop action plans for working with Millennials
- Learn from introspection
Mobile Learning Essentials
The use of technology is on the rise, so it’s no wonder that different methods of learning have emerged over the years. Recently, MLearning has become a new method for employees to learn and grow at work. With easy access, portability and a variety of resources available, MLearning is the user favorite for fast and convenient training and education.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Know the meaning of MLearning
- Recognize different methods of MLearning
- Know the benefits/challenges of using MLearning
- Train other employees regarding MLearning
- Form an MLearning plan
Motivating Your Sales Team
Sales can be a tough job, and it can be hard to keep your sales team motivated to pursue leads and close deals day after day. Rejection is sometimes part of the job in sales, and that can make some days more difficult than others. Developing a solid set of strategies for motivating your sales team will not only increase your bottom line, but will increase team member satisfaction and retention. Taking the time to figure out how best to prepare and motivate your sales team is one of the best investments you can make in your organization.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Discuss how to create a motivational environment
- Understand the importance of communication and training in motivating sales teams
- Determine steps your organization can take to motivate sales team members
- Understand the benefits of tailoring motivation to individual employees
- Apply the principles of fostering a motivational environment to your own organization
Multi-Level Marketing
For many business people, the thought of multi-level marketing can seem kind of scary. It is often misrepresented as a ‘pyramid scheme’, which can make some business owners weary. Others may simply not have any information about it. But with a little education and training, many people find multi-level marketing a great tool for their company
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Know how multi-level marketing works
- Build contacts
- Recruit new agents
- Be familiar with social media and marketing
- Provide training for recruits