Before we started our first job, we often dreamt about what career we wanted to have when we grew up. Soon, we started the journey to find the job we want to have and discover ways to make it happen. But that’s only half the battle. Once you have landed the job you want, you have to know ways not to only stay in your job field, but also excel in it.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Identify what initiative looks like
- Recognize when you can take steps outside the normal
- Build confidence in themselves
- Learn to find opportunities
- Learn good and bad aspects of initiative
- Balance initiative and restraint
Talent Management
Talent management is essential to the success of any organization. Leaders need to recruit, train, and retain qualified employees. Providing incentives and developing individuals is the difference between engaging people and merely employing them. Investing in talent management will provide financial benefits as it improves the company’s culture.
At the end of this courses, you should be able to:
- Define talent and talent management.
- Understand the benefits of talent management.
- Recognize performance management and ways to review talent.
- Identify employee engagement.
- Create assessments and training programs.
- Learn how to improve employee retention.
Team Building Through Chemistry
Teams are unavoidable in any business. The key to successful team building is addressing the importance of chemistry between team members. It is not enough to have a group of people work on a project; people have to connect and balance each others’ strengths. By staying aware of the chemistry as you build the group, you will increase the chance of avoiding pitfalls and developing a sense of unity.
At the end of this courses, you should be able to:
- Understand the team development model
- Identify team chemistry
- Create vision and goals
- Appreciate diversity
- Manage conflict
Team Building for Managers
Your organization’s people are its greatest asset, and when they work together as a team they accomplish even more. But teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams have to be created, developed, and continuously nurtured. A solid team building strategy can create an environment of greater collaboration and collegiality, which is good not only for the bottom line for your people themselves. There are many different ways to build a team, and to continue fostering a sense of teamwork. Developing a diverse team building tool kit helps your people grow at every stage.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Discuss the benefits of team work
- Understand the importance of intentionally fostering teamwork
- Determine strategies your organization can take to build teams
- Understand the benefits of games and social activities in building a team
- Apply the principles of team building to your own organization.
Teamwork and Team Building
For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it’s at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. This course will encourage participants to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe the concept of a team, and its factors for success
- Explain the four phases of the Tuckman team development model and define their characteristics
- List the three types of teams
- Describe actions to take as a leader – and as a follower for each of the four phases (Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing)
- Discuss the uses, benefits and disadvantages of various team-building activities
- Describe several team-building activities that you can use, and in what settings
- Follow strategies for setting and leading team meetings
- Detail problem-solving strategies using the Six Thinking Hats model — and one consensus-building approach to solving team problems
- List actions to do — and those to avoid — when encouraging teamwork
Telephone Etiquette
In this growing electronic age, we often forget how important it can be to have simple telephone etiquette. Outside the realm of texting and emails, many people still use the telephone as a primary source of communication. Knowing the proper etiquette and procedures for speaking with someone on the telephone can show a great deal of professionalism as well as social knowledge.
At the end of this shop, you should be able to:
- Recognize the different aspects of telephone language
- Properly handle inbound/outbound calls
- Know how to handle angry or rude callers
- Learn to receive and send phone messages
- Know different methods of employee training
Telework and Telecommuting
For some people, working from home can seem like a dream opportunity. But they may not realize that this kind of position comes with a great amount of responsibility and challenges. Since these employees are not working in a centralized office, they may have the advantage of having flexible schedules and shorter or no commute, they can have disadvantages when it comes to receiving feedback and being able to communicate with teammates. Through this course you should be able to stay motivated in your ‘office’ while still feeling connected to the rest of the team.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Know the skills required for working outside the office
- Learn keys to proper self-management
- Learn ways to manage time efficiently
- Know different methods of organization and planning
- Identify various forms of communication and their proper use
- Address and resolve challenges that teleworkers can face
Ten Soft Skills You Need
Having the technical skills and knowledge to successfully execute your job duties is only one part of being the best you can be in the workplace. In addition to these “hard” skills, we also need “soft” skills. Soft skills are those skills which allow us to effectively work with others. No matter what your position, organization, or industry, you work with people! Taking the time to build effective soft skills can contribute to a more efficient, more harmonious, and more productive workplace, as well as to your own overall job happiness and satisfaction.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Discuss how soft skills are important to success in the workplace
- Understand the 10 key soft skills everyone should have
- Use soft skills to relate more effectively to others in the workplace
- Understand how to use soft skills to communicate, problem-solve, and resolve conflict
- Apply soft skills to specific situations
The Cloud and Business
The cloud has become a vital component for business as technology becomes embedded in modern life. Every leader needs to understand the cloud and how it operates, as well as the potential dangers and pitfalls associated with cloud computing. Knowledgeable monitoring and maintenance can be the difference between the success and failure of the technology’s use.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand what the cloud is
- Recognize risks and benefits
- Communicate effectively
- Employ business processes
- Monitor performance.
Time Management
Time management training most often begins with setting goals. These goals are recorded and may be broken down into a project, an action plan, or a simple task list. Activities are then rated based on urgency and importance, priorities assigned, and deadlines set. This process results in a plan with a task list or calendar of activities. Routine and recurring tasks are often given less focus to free time to work on tasks that contribute to important goals.
This entire process is supported by a skill set that should include personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. We will cover all this and more during this course.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Plan and prioritize each day’s activities in a more efficient, productive manner
- Overcome procrastination quickly and easily
- Handle crises effectively and quickly
- Organize your workspace and workflow to make better use of time
- Delegate more efficiently
- Use rituals to make your life run smoother
- Plan meetings more appropriately and effectively.
Top 10 Sales Secrets
“Sales” is much more than providing the customer with the goods, in exchange for money. Sales involve a relationship not only between the sales representative and the customer, but the company and the customer. There are many traits that customers look for in not only products, but in sales people also. Being the only link between the product and the customer, it is important to develop these important traits.
At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- Learn how to develop effective traits
- Learn how to “know” your clients better
- Better represent the product/service
- Cultivate effective leads
- Sell with authority
- Learn how to build trusting, long term relationships with customers
- Trade Show Staff Training
Being a part of a trade show can be a wise investment for any company. But preparation is important because it can ‘make or break’ how well you succeed during the show. Employees must realize that they are acting as a representative for the company and should be knowledgeable of its products and services. Preparing your staff for the trade show is a big job, so get started early!
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize effective ways of preparing for a trade show
- Know essential points to setting up a booth
- Know the Dos and Don’ts behaviors during the show
- Acknowledge visitors and welcome them to the booth
- Engage potential customers and work towards a sale
- Wrap up the trade show and customer leads.
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of your job, you will want to be prepared for the training that you do. This workshop will give all types of training tools to help create and deliver engaging, compelling workshops that will encourage trainees to come back for more.
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Define training, facilitating, and presenting
- Understand how to identify participants’ training needs
- Create a lesson plan that incorporates the range of learning preferences
- Create an active, engaging learning environment
- Develop visual aids and supporting materials
- Manage difficult participants and tough topics
- Trust Building and Resilience Development
- Creating relationships that are built on trust, and having the tools to be resilient are crucial in creating a workplace that is safe and a stable place for all to work.
This course will introduce you to your company’s responsibility with regard to promoting honesty, as well as how to deal with the inevitable changes that come along with building a stronger business.
This course is designed to help you in the following ways:
- Gain the trust of employees by empowering them.
- Promote transparent communication.
- Keep the promises you make.
- Identify different personality types and how to work with them.
- Respect all those you work with.
- Keep stress at bay.
- Overcome adversities.
- Accept and manage change.
- Stay motivated.